School of Nursing
Human Health Building, Room 3027
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
Karen Dunn, PhD, RN, FGSA
Human Health Building, Room 3041
Phone: (248) 364-8746
Dr. Karen S Dunn is a Professor. Her program of research is in promoting wellness among older adult populations through the effective use of holistic self-care practices with an emphasis on spirituality, end-of-life care, and pain management.
Clinical Expertise:
- Medical/Surgical Nursing
- Gerontological Nursing
- Critical Care Nursing
- PhD - Wayne State University
- MSN - Valdosta State University
- BSN - Wayne State University
Research Area Interests:
- Holistic Self-care Practices
- Aging and Spirituality
- Chronic Pain
- Stress and Coping
- End-of-Life Care
- Publications (Journal)
- Otten, C., & Dunn, K. S. (2024). Case report: priapism following an anterior lumbar interbody fusion. Orthopaedic Nursing Journal 43, 41-44.
- Davis, O., Frieberg, B., Dunn, K. S. (2023). The effects of dog therapy as an intervention for stress in university students. International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Science, 3(12), Article 2023-273.
- Dunn, K. S., & Robinson-Lane, S. G. (2020). A philosophical analysis of spiritual coping. Advances in Nursing Science, 43, 239-250.
- Otten, C., & Dunn, K. S. (2018). The efficacy of regional anesthesia techniques to control postoperative pain after total knee arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Nursing, 37, 177-182.
- Dunn, K. S., & Riley-Doucet, C. K. (2017). Applying integrative learning strategies and complexity theory to design simulations for care of complex patients. Nurse Educator, 42(2), 72-76.
- Riley-Doucet, C. K. & Dunn, K. S. (2013). Using multi-sensory technology to create a therapeutic environment for persons with dementia in an adult day care center: A pilot study. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 6(4), 4.
- Dunn, K. S., & Riley-Doucet, C. K. (2013). Comparative analysis of two musical genres within a multi-sensory environmental intervention. Journal of Holistic Nursing,31, 62-70.
- Dunn, K. S. (2008). Development and psychometric testing of a new geriatric spiritual well-being scale. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 3, 161-169.
- Sieloff, C. L., & Dunn, K. S. (2008). Factor validation of an instrument measuring group power. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 16(2), 113-126.
- Dunn, K. S. (2007). Predictors of self-reported health among older African-American central city adults. Holistic Nursing Practice, 21, 237-243.
- Dunn, K. S., & Riley-Doucet, C. (2007) Self-care activities captured through discussion among community-dwelling older adults. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 25, 160-169.
- Dunn, K. S. (2005). Testing a middle-range theory of adaptation to chronic pain. Nursing Science Quarterly, 18(2), 146-56.
- Dunn, K. S., Horgas, A. L. (2004). Religious and non-religious coping in older adults experiencing chronic pain. Pain management in Nursing, 5(1), 19-28.
- Dunn, K. S. (2004). Towards a middle-range theory of adaptation to chronic pain. Nursing Science Quarterly, 17 (1), 78-84.
- Dunn, K. S., Chapleski, E. E., Stinson, L. W., Massanari, R. M. (2003). Everyday spirituality among central city elders. Journal of Religious Gerontology, 15(3), 41-59.
- Dunn, K. S. (2001). The efficacy of physical restraints in institutionalized elders. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 2(10), 40-48.
- Horgas, A. L., & Dunn, K. (2001). Pain in nursing home residents: Comparison of residents’ self-report and nursing assistants’ perceptions. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 27(3), 44-53.
- Dunn, K. S., & Horgas, A. L. (2000). The prevalence of prayer as a self-care treatment modality in elders. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 18, 337-351.
- Publications (Student-Led)
- Bittinger, A.C., Dunn, K., Hranchook, A., Codier, E., (2020). Relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress levels among certified registered nurse anesthetists. AANA Journal, 88, 398-404.
- Goudy-Egger, L., & Dunn, K. S. (2018). Using CE to increase nurses’ knowledge for chronic wound care management. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 49,454-459. doi:10.3928/00220124-20180918-05
- Murray, R. P. & Dunn, K. S. (2017). Assessing nurses’ knowledge of spiritual care practices before and after an educational session. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48, 115-122.
- Scardillo, J., Dunn, K. S., & Piscotty, R. (2016). Exploring the relationships between resilience and ostomy adjustment in adults with permanent stomas. Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 43, 274-279.
- Good, H., Riley-Doucet, C. K., & Dunn, K. S. (2015). The prevalence of uncontrolled pain in long-term care: A pilot study examining outcomes of pain management processes. Journal of Gerontological Nursing,41(2), 33-41.
- Thomas, N. F., & Dunn, K. S. (2014). Self-transcendence and medication adherence in older adults with hypertension. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 32, 316-326.
- McLott, J., Jurercic, J., Hemphill, L., & Dunn, K. S. (2013). Development of an amygdalocentric neurocircuitry-reactive aggression theoretical model through an integrative literature review. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 18, 379-384.
- Voshall, B., Dunn, K. S., & Schelstak, D. (2012). Knowledge and attitudes of pain management among nursing faculty. Pain Management Nursing. Online publication. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2012.02.001
- Chirco, N., Dunn, K. S., & Robinson, S. G. (2011). The trajectory of terminal delirium at the end-of-life. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing. 13, 411-418. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0b013e3182271a6c
- Otten, C. L., & Dunn, K. S. (2011). Multimodal analgesia for postoperative total knee arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Nursing, 30 ,373-383.
- Parker, B. & Dunn, K. S. (2011). The continued lived experience of the unexpected death of a child. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying,63, 221-233.
- Keilman, L. J., & Dunn, K. S. (2010). Knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of advanced practice nurses regarding urinary incontinence in older adult women. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal,24, 260-279.
- Glembocki, M. M. & Dunn, K. S. (2010). Building an organizational culture of caring: caring perceptions enhanced with education. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,41,565-570.
- Britz, J. & Dunn, K. S. (2010). Self-care and quality among patients with heart failure. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners,22, 480-487. oi: 10.1111/j.1745-7599.2010.00538.x
- Koski, B. Dunn, K. S., Shebuski, M. R. (2009). Daily activity patterns of an adultexperiencing lower back pain undergoing electro-acupuncture: A case study. Pain Management Nursing 10, 188-196.
- Publications (Book Chapter)
- Dunn, K. S. (2011). Spirituality, religious practice, beliefs and values. In J. Reed, C. L.Clark, & A. Macfarlane (Eds.), Nursing Older Adults, (pp. 176-190) Berkshire, England: Open University Press, McGraw-Hill House.
- Dunn, K. S. (2013). Testing the RBC Model through current and future research. In M. M. Glembocki & J. J. Fitzpatrick (Eds.), Relationship-Based Care: Supporting Professional Nursing Practice.
- Dunn, K. S. (2015). Simulation: General. In M. J. Smith, R. Carpenter, & J.J. Fitzpatrick (Eds.), Encyclopedia of nursing education (pp. 331-333). New York: Springer Publishing.
- Presentations(Referred)
- Dunn, K. S., & Johnson, A., & Winkle, M. Y. (2021). Development of an animal-assisted activity/therapy dog checklist for long-term care facilities. Virtual poster presentation at the Gerontological Society of America's annual scientific conference on November 10th.
- Knudsen, H. A., Romprey, A. A., Dunn, K. S. & Bittinger, A. (2023). Increasing knowledge of emotional intelligence: An emotional intelligence education workshop for certified registered nurse anesthetists. Poster presentation at the spring Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists conference on March 24, 2023.
- Pavloski, S., & Dunn, K. S. (2020). The effect of scope of practice changes on job satisfaction and workplace stress among advanced practice registered nurses. Virtual poster presentation at Research Day sponsored by the Oakland University, School of Nursing's Theta Psi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International on April 8th. Awarded 1st place for the Outstanding DNP Project Dean’s Choice Award sponsored by OU Credit Union.
- Pavloski, S., & Dunn, K. S. (2020). The effect of scope of practice changes on job satisfaction and workplace stress among advanced practice registered nurses. Poster presentation at the Oakland University Graduate Research Day on March 6th
- Kalejaye, J., & Dunn, K. S. (2019). Effects of post-stroke depression on rehabilitation outcomes. Poster presentation at Research Day sponsored by the Oakland University, School of Nursing's Theta Psi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International on April 9th. Awarded Dean’s Choice Award sponsored by OU Credit Union.
- Sipes, L. A., & Dunn, K. S. (2018). Forensic Nursing: Healers of Peers Experiences (Project HOPE). Poster presentation at Research Day sponsored by the Theta Psi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau School of Nursing, Oakland University on November 14th .
- Bittinger, A., Dunn, K.S., Codier, E., Hranchook, A. (2018). Relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress levels among certified registered nurse anesthetists.Keynote speaker for the Oakland University, School of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau Research Day on April 11th. Awarded Dean’s Choice Award sponsored by OU Credit Union.
- Bittinger, A., Dunn, K.S., Codier, E., Hranchook, A. (2018). Relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress levels among certified registered nurse anesthetists. Paper presentation at the University of Toledo’s Midwest Graduate Research Symposium on April 7th in Toledo, OH.
- Bittinger, A., Dunn, K.S., Codier, E., Hranchook, A. (2018). Relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational stress levels among certified registered nurse anesthetists. Paper presentation at the Oakland University Graduate Research Day on March 9th. Doctoral Nursing Student paper took 2nd place
- Goudy-Egger, L. & Dunn, K.S. (2016). Wound care: Turning the page in clinical practice. Poster presentation at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care from April 13th -17th in Atlanta, GA.
- Dunn, K. S. & Riley-Doucet, C. (2016). Applying high-impact practices and complexity theory to design new simulation models to improve care for complex patients. Paper presentation at the 40th MNRS research conference on March 17th to the 20th in Milwaukee, WI.
- Bossuah, K.A., Dunn, K.S., & VanderClay, C. (2013). Relocation stress syndrome in older adults with type 2 diabetes. Poster presentation at the 39th annual meeting of the European Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services on July 7th through the 12th at Koc University in Istanbul, Turkey.
- McLott, J., Jurercic, J., Hemphill, L., & Dunn, K. S. (2012). Development of an amygdalocentric neurocircuitry-reactive aggression theoretical model through an integrative literature review. Poster presentation at the 2012 American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) annual meeting on August 5th -7th in San Francisco, California.
- Voshall, B. & Dunn, K. S. (2011). Knowledge and Attitudes of Pain Management Among Nursing Faculty. Paper presentation at the 36th Annual MNRS Research Conference on April 13, 2012 in Dearborn, Michigan.
- Dunn, K. S. (2011). Comparative analysis of two musical genres within a multisensory environmental intervention. Presented a symposium paper at th 64th Gerontological Society of America's annual scientific conference held at the Westin-Copley in Boston on November 19th . The title of the symposium was “Using assistive technology to support and improve caregiver activities for older adults with dementia.
- Voshall, B. & Dunn, K. S. (2011). Knowledge and Attitudes of Pain Management Among Nursing Faculty. Poster presentation at the 16th Annual Midwest Regional Nursing Education Conference, November 10 - 11, 2011 in, Columbia, OH.
- Harrison, B., & Dunn, K. S. (2011). Creating an Adult/Gerontological Nurse Practitioner program. Poster presented at the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties 37th Annual Meeting, April 14-17, 2011, in Albuquerque, NM.
- Dunn, K. S. (2009). Spirituality as a background factor. Presented a symposium paper at the 62nd Gerontological Society of America's annual scientific conference held at the Atlanta Hilton in Georgia on November 19th . The title of the symposium was “Extension of the need-driven dementia-compromised behavior model for usage in multiple settings with diverse populations.”
- Dunn, K. S. (2008). Discourse on volunteering: The benefits and barriers. Chaired and presented a symposium paper at the 61st Gerontological Society of America's annual scientific conference held at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland on November 23. The title of the symposium was "Multidisciplinary and community-based interventions to improve well-being in frail older adults".
- Dunn, K. S. (2007). Predictors of self-reported health among African-American inner city older adults. Symposium paper presentation at the 60th annual scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in San Francisco, CA., November 15-20.
- Dunn, K. S. (2006). Geriatric spiritual well-being: Measurement using two versions of the Geriatric Spiritual Well-being Scale. Symposium paper presentation at the 59th annual scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Dallas, TX., November 16-20.
- Sieloff, C. L., & Dunn, K. S. (2006). Factor validation of an instrument measuring group power. Paper presentation at the 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice sponsored by Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing in Montreal, Canada July 19-22.
- Dunn, K. S. & Riley-Doucet, C. (2006). Self-care activities captured through discussion among community-dwelling older adults. Poster presentation at the 30th annual scientific meeting of the Midwest Nursing Research Society in Milwaukee, WI March 31-April 3, 2006.
- Dunn, K. S. & Riley-Doucet, C. (2004). Holistic well-being in community-dwelling elders. Poster presentation at the 57th annual scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Washington, D. C. November 19-23, 2002.
- Dunn, K. S., Otten, C., & Stephens, E. (2004). Developing comportment through nursing experience. Poster presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) 2004 annual research conference in St. Louis, MO February 27 - March 1.
- Dunn, K. S., Horgas, A. H., Vallerand, A. H. (2003). Adaptation to chronic pain: Religious and non-religious coping in Judeo-Christian elders. Abstract published and accepted for presentation at the International Center for the Integration of Health and Spirituality conference held in Bethesda, Maryland April 1-3.
- Dunn, K. S., Horgas, A., & Vallerand, A. H. (2002). Adaptation to chronic pain: Religious and non-religious coping in Judeo-Christian elders. Poster presentation at the 55th annual scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Boston, MA November 22- 26, 2002.
- Dunn, K. S., Horgas, A., & Vallerand, A. H. (2002). Adaptation to chronic pain: Religious and non-religious coping in Judeo-Christian elders. Poster presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) 2002 annual research conference in Chicago, IL March 1-4, 2002.
- Stinson, L. W., Dunn, K. S., & Chapleski, E. E. (2001). Everyday Spirituality among central city elders. Paper presentation at the 54th annual scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) in Chicago, IL November 15- 18, 2001. Although I am a second author, I wrote the majority of this paper. The abstract was submitted to GSA as a poster presentation that Ms. Stinson was going to develop. The reviewers, however, decided that the abstract qualified for a symposium paper presentation. Upon notification of this change, we were unable to change authorship, and therefore, Ms. Stinson remained first author. This paper has been accepted for publication (see above) where I am first author.
- Dunn, K. S., & Horgas, A. L. (September, 2000). The prevalence of prayer as a self-care treatment modality in elders. Poster presented at the 2000 Conference on Spirituality in Health Care: Issues of Culture and End of Life in Medical Education, Dallas, Texas.
- Dunn, K. S., & Horgas, A. L. (June, 2000). The prevalence of prayer as a self-care treatment modality in elders. Poster presented at the Spring Poster Session at the Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University.
- Dunn, K. S., & Horgas, A. L. (May, 2000). The prevalence of prayer as a self-care treatment modality in elders. Poster presented at the College of Nursing Research Day, Wayne State University.
- Dunn, K. S., & Horgas, A. L. (April, 2000). The prevalence of prayer as a self-care treatment modality in elders. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference; Dearborn, Michigan.
- Dunn, K. S. (April, 1999). The efficacy of physical restraints in institutionalized elders. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference; Indianapolis, Indiana
- Presentations (Oral-Invited)
- Dunn, K. S. (2020). Invited to be an expert panelist on “Beyond Coping in the time of COVID 19,” Virtual Event on September 27th hosted by University Presbyterian Church in Rochester Hills.
- Dunn, K. S. (2020). Invited to present at the annual “Issues on Aging” conference. Cancelled due to COVID 19 pandemic.
- Dunn, K. S. (2020). Invited to be an expert panelist on “Forgiveness, Wellness, and Religion,” event on February 9th at the University Presbyterian Church in Rochester Hills
- Dunn, K. S. (2019). Invited to be an expert panelist at the 2nd annual “Forgiveness, Wellness, and Religion,” event on November 12th on the campus of Oakland University
- Dunn, K. S. (2019). Invited to present “Prevention Strategies for Healthier Living in Late Life” at the Hampton Manor in Shelby, MI on June 25.
- Dunn, K. S. (2019). Invited to be a guest with the SON Dean, Judy Didion, on Bloomfield Community television cable network show entitled “Boomer Health at Home”; Cable Show Topic: Gerontology and Ageing in Place on June 20th. Link to video:
- Dunn, K. S. (2018). Invited to be an expert panelist at the “Forgiveness, Wellness, and Religion,” event on November 13th on the campus of Oakland University.
- Dunn, K. S. (2018). Invited to be an expert panelist at the “Human-Animal Bond: The Psychosocial and Physical Benefits” seminar at St. Irenaeus April 11th.
- Dunn, K. S. (2017). Invited to be an expert panelist at the “Alive Inside” event on August 28 on the campus of Oakland University.
- Dunn, K. S. (2013). Religious and Nonreligious Coping in Older Adults Experiencing Chronic Pain. Paper presented at BIT’s 1st Annual World Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology Conference in Dalian, China on October13.
- Dunn, K. S. (2012). Aging Successfully: Spiritual Coping. Panel presentation at the “Strategies or Aging Gracefully.” Seniors Health Seminar; St. Irenaeus Parish Health Ministry, Rochester Hills, MI on June 7.
- Koski, B. L., Dunn, K. S., Shebuski, M. R. (2007). Energy activity patterns of an adult experiencing lower back pain undergoing electro-acupuncture: A case study. Poster presentation at the Health Disparities Conference sponsored by the School of Nursing, Oakland University on September 7.
- Dunn, K. S. (2006). Geriatric spiritual well-being: Measurement using two versions of the geriatric spiritual well-being scale. Presented at a Gerontological Symposium sponsored by the Theta Psi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau on October 24.
- Dunn, K. S. & Riley-Doucet, C. (2004). Using environmental stimuli and ADLs to prevent decline in functioning. Presented at Arden Courts Nursing Homes October 7 & 28.
- Dunn, K. S. (2004). Wellness care of the elderly. Presented at St. Luke’s Episcopal Health Ministries, October 21.
- Dunn, K. S. & Thompson, T. (2004). Geriatric assessment and the use of critical thinking skills. Presented at Evangelical Nursing Homes, September 24.
- Dunn, K. S. (2004). The art and practice of spiritual care. Key note speaker at the Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Church Liaison Program, March 27.
- Dunn, K. S. (2003). Aging and spirituality: A new investigators journey. Presentation at the Institute of Gerontology colloquium series, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, January 28. Horgas, A. L., & Dunn, K. S. (2001, July). Spirituality for caregivers. Presentation at the Caring for Caregivers Conference, Alzheimer's Association and University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
- Chapleski, E. E., Dunn, K. S., Stinson, L. W. (November, 2000). Spirituality and Aging. Presentation at the Central City Aging Services Consortium, Hannan House, Detroit.
- Dunn, K. S. (April, 2000). Towards a middle-range theory of spiritual coping in elders: Religious coping in Judeo-Christian elders. Presentation at the Colloquium series, Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.
Professional Affiliations:
- Midwest Nursing Research Society
- Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing
- Gerontological Society of America
- ANA-Michigan Region 7
- American Association of College of Nursing Geriatric Leadership Fellow